I'll also love to talk about my first date. I was not much comfortable at all when I was with her for the first time. There was a bunch of reasons responsible for it. We are a social media couple and it was our first meeting in the real world. I had not even looked her ever before. We met in the streets of Orkut, which was the first famous social media platform in India. Soon we progressed to google talk and then obviously to phone talks and it did not take us long time to be committed, finally. And this was my first love too, if you exclude my one sided love stories.
By the way, one sided love stories have their own charm. Lot of passion is a characteristic quality of such pathetic stories. You know, it had been more than one time when I was engaged with someone completely one sided. First time, in my classroom I liked a girl but you see, I was very much young then. So the story can be ignored. But later, in the days of my adolescence, I seriously fell in love with a girl. She was the most beautiful girl of my class. Even I can say that she was the fairest in the whole school or the whole town. I was crazy for her, literary. I used to take a seat opposite to her and try gazing her whenever I got time. It was not uncommon to be caught by her. But I think not many students of our class could ever catch me or may be us. Who knows what she thought about me and my gaze.
My life was circulating around her those days. I used to wonder around her home. One of my far relatives lived near her house for some days and believe me this was the golden time for me. I was always in the search of a chance for visiting them and each and every time I went to them, I tried to go upstairs as the roof of her one story house was completely visible from the second floor of the house, my relatives lived in. Once I just crossed the line of craziness in this one sided love. It was getting darker in the evening and I was in the roof of my relatives house. You will not believe that I even throw some small stones at her roof to get her attention or to get a chance to see her. As I was expecting her coming up to inquire about the stone pelting at her roof. And you know, I got success. She came to the roof, finally. I'm sure that she looked me when I was trying to hide myself from her eyes. Then I felt very embraced and just disappeared. Next day, I was not feeling quite normal in the class room. Don't know why, but I feel that she knew that I liked her so badly. In the small town, we were living, it was not a common thing. We were considered to be the most intelligent, and so the most genuine students of the school so it was not a very usual thing to have a scholar wandering your house. And in the studies too, I had a better reputation than her. You see, even after ten years I became so excited about her. You can just imagine the heat in my heart at that time.
I loved dreaming of her all the time and I think she was one of the biggest obstacles in my studies. Love is as divine as death as it can freeze your soul. You know the pathetic side of the story, I never talked to her after leaving the school. We met sometimes on the road and exchanged our glances accidentally but could never exchanged words. She's now married and I'm too committed so the story is perfectly over. But still you want to talk to a person, whom you used to be attracted to, or for whom you used to feel love, even one sided.
Life is really complicated. You loose your friends, your classmates, your workmates with the time and the life express always keeps running forward leaving behind each and everything. I'v wrote a lot but it seems like I'v just started. This is the great thing about writing. When you start, you're out of words and when you finish you're out of time.